Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Sister

For anyone who knows my sister, she is definitely quite a character. I may make fun of her at times or tell her that she is being annoying, but she never stops being herself. That is one of the most amazing things to me; though she is one year younger she never fears away from showing her true colors, whether it is at school or a new place where people are certain to judge. She takes the "I don't care what people think about me" to a completely new level, and that is inspiring. On the other hand, I always want to fit in with other people and talk about what they would talk about. I hope to one day learn from my sister on how to truly accept yourself and never shy away from it. I hope that soon enough, I will take what inspires me about her and apply it to not only my social life, but my participation in class, my writing, and my photography. Being yourself and not being ashamed of that person is to me one of the greatest lessons someone can ever learn. Before you can be happy, you must learn to love yourself. And I can tell you, when she is herself, she is the one who laughs the most.

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