Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Best Friend

My best friend is a person who has been through illness, injuries, disappointment, happiness, anger; he has faced almost everything. Though he is only one year older, he is wise beyond his age. He always knows what to say, cares about everyone around him, and is one of the most social, funny, genuine people I know. Even though I may argue with him about many things, he is almost always right, though I never admit to it. He is attending the college of his dreams, aiming to go on to become a lawyer; sometimes he says he will one day be the president of the United States. His hopes and dreams are incredibly high, but I know with his dedication, he will make those dreams into a reality. In addition, he is confident in himself and no matter what adversity he is facing, he endures the hard times and appreciates them for teaching him lessons. In good times, he seizes the moment and always strives to create lasting memories. He has been the most influential person in my life for the past year, and I hope to learn much more from him in the future. 

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