Thursday, October 1, 2015


Shallow Depth of Field

Deep Depth of Field

Blurred Motion

Freeze Motion
Light Writing (Home)

Light Writing (School)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Fundamental Elements of Design

Space is the background and foreground that surrounds the focal point.

Value is the variation of lightness or darkness of a photograph. A photo with a higher value would be lighter than that of a lower value.

Color is the core of the rainbow. It is what paints the picture of a beautiful purple flower or the bright green color of its leaves. The three primary colors are blue, yellow, and red.

Texture is how soft, shiny, matte, rough, or prickly an object is. It shows the variations in the two or three dimensional surface of an object.

Shape is a combination of lines and texture to create a two dimensional object. There can be geometrical shapes or organic shapes.

As opposed to shape, form creates a three dimensional object from the use of lines, texture, and variations of color.

A line is a straight, two dimensional figure that has direction and length. It marks the distance between two points and is used to created different shapes and forms.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Sister

For anyone who knows my sister, she is definitely quite a character. I may make fun of her at times or tell her that she is being annoying, but she never stops being herself. That is one of the most amazing things to me; though she is one year younger she never fears away from showing her true colors, whether it is at school or a new place where people are certain to judge. She takes the "I don't care what people think about me" to a completely new level, and that is inspiring. On the other hand, I always want to fit in with other people and talk about what they would talk about. I hope to one day learn from my sister on how to truly accept yourself and never shy away from it. I hope that soon enough, I will take what inspires me about her and apply it to not only my social life, but my participation in class, my writing, and my photography. Being yourself and not being ashamed of that person is to me one of the greatest lessons someone can ever learn. Before you can be happy, you must learn to love yourself. And I can tell you, when she is herself, she is the one who laughs the most.

My Mother

My mom is my inspiration and role model, and has been for virtually my entire life. She sometimes works all night and at least ten hours per day and still finds time to spend with my family, cook us excellent meals, and be there to comfort and support us. She helps hundreds of people each week as a doctor and has inspired me to follow in her footsteps in the future. She may say that she "isn't smart", but she carries more wisdom and intelligence than anyone I know, in addition to being caring responsible. I can only hope to be as successful in every aspect of life as she is.

My Best Friend

My best friend is a person who has been through illness, injuries, disappointment, happiness, anger; he has faced almost everything. Though he is only one year older, he is wise beyond his age. He always knows what to say, cares about everyone around him, and is one of the most social, funny, genuine people I know. Even though I may argue with him about many things, he is almost always right, though I never admit to it. He is attending the college of his dreams, aiming to go on to become a lawyer; sometimes he says he will one day be the president of the United States. His hopes and dreams are incredibly high, but I know with his dedication, he will make those dreams into a reality. In addition, he is confident in himself and no matter what adversity he is facing, he endures the hard times and appreciates them for teaching him lessons. In good times, he seizes the moment and always strives to create lasting memories. He has been the most influential person in my life for the past year, and I hope to learn much more from him in the future.